Sunday, April 26, 2009


Saya diserang Termites!

ohh tidakk.. rumah yg bakal saya duduki diserang Termites. Tak banyak yang saya tahu tentang anai-anai ni.. tp selepas baca penjelasan through Dave's Garden, everything seems to be cleared.

We r not sure bila exactly the problem started. But since the day we confirmed to buy the house, tak pernah pulak terasa nak check the kayu2 bhg dapur tu till the day MIL check through.. apa lagi kitorg started Geli Geleman la nengok sarang Termite tu..

Just imagine!
The whole window and door frames at the kitchen area changed to Paper.. if you ketuk dgn jari pun, it'll break.. hmm.. mana tak geli geleman.. hehe..

So today, we called a guy named Joe from one of local Pest Control company to check through the problems and solve it.. very important to solve it as we have 4 kids running around.. cukup la 4 kids + maid + 'black' and the babies.. tamau la bela anai2 pulak kan..

Then anytime this week, kitorg will start to pasang the 'perangkap' anai-anai. He'll add-on the food from time to time once the 'perangkap' dah penuh.. come with 1 year warranty, freelance job cost less than RM2k.. kira okay la tu kan..

What will happen after the Termite masuk perangkap was.. diorg akan makan the food (macam tisu jek) then they will bring this thing to their Queen.. tak usah inject2 stail dah skang.. any house within 50m pun boleh ditarik by this perangkap.. so, kalau u boleh recce dengan neighbourhood, share2 the cost, why not share..kan?

Today, solution found.. yey!!

If anyone having the same problem, nak freelance punye cost jugak, boleh contact me, and I will give you his number. Usual cost for the whole house was double.



Hi there :). Nice knowing u :).
Btw, bila u free, do drop by at my sales blog. We have Tie Rack scarves from UK plus we do take orders for items from UK :)