Recently, aku ada berjumpa dgn a few makhluk Allah ni for some electrical related advise for project untuk client aku.. so, after my groceries shopping, we met somewhere nearby for a drink.. okehhh dia tak blei minum kat Starbucks sbb 'boikot' itu kedai.. takpe la.. aku beli juga Frappucino bg dia minum.. kasi basah tekak la org cakap.. masa tu aku jumpa depa dgn MrA.
Dengan ketinggian MrA, buat aku jadi Gemuk Pendek..
After few weeks, a fren dat introduced me to that guy and his wifey told me dat ada cakap2 belakang yang.. actually... aku sendiri tak heran la babe!
the wifey said : wahh macam mana ini couple? the wifey gemuk but the hubby kecik jek.. sure the wifey ganyang the husband habes-habesan..
(in my mind was thinking.. apa punye kolot la ini orang)
then I replied my fren, I told her that I never bother these kinda of people.. and my husband is not kecik as they thought la..
hmm.. macam2 punye orang daa..
aku pun boleh cakap husband dia besar gedabak, macam mana pulak dgn dia yg comey lote tu?
Am I compaining? naa... I am sharing with all of you ok..
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