Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Virtual Shopping Hub?

Ini lah faedahnya blog-hopping ngeh ngeh..
Got this info from Redmummy

I just got to know that now we are able to shop on any US-online store e.g. Coach, Victoria Secret, DKNY, Old Navy and many more at our own sweet time? What I mean is any online stores selain dari Benefit Cosmetics / Victoria Secret bhg baju2 / Amazon buku2 la dan any sites yang memang boleh deliver their items direct to Malaysia..

Most of the time, the delivery has to be within USA or Canada only. Therefore, people like us have to go through a middle person to get our desired items because, the advantage is they are staying in US *wink*

But now with Virtual Shopping Hub (VSHUB), you can register for FREE to get your own shipping address in US! wow!

What will happen next was, when you do a shopping on Coach.com for example, during checkout, you can enter the address given during registration. Well mokcik2 sekalian!! Registration is FREE and as simple as ABC.. :P

Your item will be ship to the US address and there's where VSHUB will send you a notification via email either you want your items to be ship immediately or you nak kumpul up to 30 days pun boleh.. It's FREE for 30 days.. selepas itu, hangpa bear all the cost la.. seminggu punye charges ;)

syok tak? hehehee.. mokcik excited gila babas laa nih :p
Shipping Charges starts from RM70++ for item less than 500gm..
For more info, boleh terus baca kat web VSHUB.. can oso navigate either in Bahasa or English.. Kalau nak mesra alam punye, in another word, user-friendly laa, boleh visit web redmummy nih :D
psssttt: ada Pro and Cons nya bershopping melalui VSHUB.. kalau order you banyak, it's worth it, but if your order ciput, better go through any friend stays in USA yer.. boleh combined shipment.. but if you jenis tak sabar2 punye orang, why don't you give it a try :D
Dari saya yang excited menyampaikan berita ini walaupun belum mencuba


alizajaafar said...

cuba la dulu lepas tu kasik kita orang review

lovelyelle said...

ngeh ngeh... belum cuba lagik.. akak try ler

Anonymous said...


We have just added your latest post "All about me: Virtual Shopping Hub?" to our Directory of Shopping . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory for getting a huge base of visitors to your website and gaining a valuable backlink to your site.

Warm Regards

Best Mart Team
