Monday, May 4, 2009


Hello world!

Dimanakah saya selama ini?
Sunway Medical Center.

My son warded for a few days since Monday due to breathing difficulties. I am the one who accompanied him thru day and night. Letih because I can only see another building's rooftop from the room, makan porridge, tido on couch, eh,.. banyak songeh punye mommy :(

He stayed in 2-bedded room, our bedmate changed every night..

The worse part was dia kena guna neubuliser every 4 hours everyday! As a mom, I cannot tahan my son cry and cry for more than 10 minutes. But we have no choice :(

Well, he discharged, and on recovery process, masih tamau makan ubat :(

Today, Adam having the same problem.. hope everything is fine as this boy always listen to us (kita suruh makan ubat, dia makan..)